Good News for the Global Village
February 20, 2009 is a key date for those who form part of the global village in which we live. The date, however, is especially significant for those of us who are invited to bring into existence the justice and peace to which the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth summons us.
The year 2009 will witness the first celebration of World Social Justice Day since the concept was unanimously given the green light by all 192 member states of the United Nations in November 2007. The day will be an added opportunity to share our prayers and thoughts with the Brothers of our community, with those with whom we work in our educational establishments, our lay colleagues, our students and their families. The prayer which you will find below was created by the Committee for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. The Committee is one of those operated by the Rome-based Union of Superior Generals (USG/USIG) in Rome. To obtain a copy of the prayer, contact: