2018-04-13 CHILE

Haitians in Chile

Around 150 Haitians received a Spanish language certificate after attending a course taught for the first time by a school in Quillota, Chile, as part of an initiative of Chilean Marists to welcome immigrants.

The Instituto Rafael Ariztíawill teach the Spanish course again this year with 15 collaborators and will also offer immigrants workshops in health, emotional and employment support, laws and sports activities.

A blog of the Pastoral Familiar Instituto Rafael Ariztía, referring to the Spanish course, noted that “the support and commitment that our students also offered to this charity project was essential. They were always present in each class as assistants, collaborating in the welcoming and in attending our Haitian brothers.”

According to the Marist blog, “Chile is a country that still does not welcome immigrants, especially Haitians, so our goal is to generate political and social tools so that this experience is a contribution both for our country and for immigrants.”

“The changes in the economic scenario of some Latin American countries put Chile before an unforeseen scenario: the increase in immigration in our country – a situation that makes us wonder if we were prepared,” he said.

“It is necessary to link the immigration facts with the different realities that caused it,” he continued. “We work for them and we will continue doing so this 2018 and during the following years.”


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