2012-03-20 BRAZIL

« Happy Life » Programme and Animation of Vocations

From 27 February to 2 March, brothers and laity of the Province of « Brasil Centro-Sul » gathered in Curitiba to discuss the Animation of Vocations, especially the  HappyLife Programme. This is a programme aimed at pupils of the public education system aged from 13 to 17. Its objective is to « set in motion, with the young people, processes of listening, dialogue, formation and accompaniment, by creating spaces and resources which contribute to the construction of their life project. »

A good part of the week was devoted to the presentation of the projects which make up the Programme, in particular « Bridges » and « Tent ». The first develops activities in the classroom. Two videos and a magazine have been produced for this purpose, dealing with topics important for the lives of adolescents and young people. On the basis of this material, the teachers will be able to carry on a dialogue with them, in order to involve them in the proceedings, making constant reference to the life project, the transversal axis of the whole Programme.

Other times were put to profit for exchanging about the accompaniment of youth, for improving the Animation of Vocations in the Province and for reviewing practical questions about the projects still under construction.

It was an intense week of formation, of launching material and discussions about the situation of young people. The problem of vocations raises new questions whose answers require a courageous dialogue with the culture and, above all, with the adolescents and young people themselves.


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