2015-07-28 AUSTRALIA

Heads of 53 Marist schools in Australia gather in big event

School principals and leaders of Australia’s 53 Marist schools are gathering in a conference in Melbourne to meet and pray together for three days.

“It is very important for Marist leaders to gather so that they get to know one another, learn from one another, have a significant formation experience together, and also to pray together,” said Brother Michael Green, the national director of Marist Schools Australia on July 21.

“We have many courses, programmes, and formation opportunities each year, but the biennial Marist Schools conference is the biggest event we hold,” he told the general house press office based in Rome. 

The Marist Schools Australia is holding the gathering at the Catholic Leadership Centre from July 26-29. The first of its kind was held 20 years ago and it continues to be held every two years in a different city.

The Conference is a major event for Marist schools in Australia,” said Br Michael, who also works as executive director of Marist Ministries. “About 180 Marists will take part, almost all of whom will be lay.” 

Br Michael noted that each school can also bring a younger teacher whom they have identified as a potential Marist leader for the future.

The conference will touch on subjects including the prologue of the gospel according to Saint John, the marriage feast of Cana, the theology of temple, being born again and “drawing us into a new creation in the household of God.”

“We hope to help our Marist leaders come to a deeper personal appreciation of the Scriptures that are a key source of Marist spirituality, so that they themselves can be enriched as Marists and can, in their turn, help to enrich the Marist schools they lead,” Br Michael remarked. 

“It is very important that Marist leaders don’t think that being Marist is all about Saint Marcellin,” he added. “It is not, it is about Jesus.” 

He underscored that “the Scriptures of John give us a window into how St Marcellin came to know the love of God in Jesus.” 

“The French school of spirituality, from which Marist spirituality drew on, has a strong emphasis on John’s Gospel and letters,” added Br Michael. “These were very influential for St Marcellin.” 


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