2015-07-14 BRAZIL

Heirs of a Promise, heirs of a prophecy

From the 5th to the 10th of July, approximately fifty Brothers met in Porto Alegre in their third meeting as a Marist Encounter of young Brothers of Brazil. 

The Provincial from Rio Grande do Sul, Br. Ignacio Etges, welcomed the participants and invited them to feel at home, “because every Marist place is our home”, he said.  

The participants were also welcomed by the Provincial of Brazil Centro-Sul, Br. Joaquin Sperandio, who challenged them to be “mystics in order that our land of mission may ferment”.  We have made vows, we have committed ourselves in this Institution to be signs for all and especially for those who expect that we are light”, he said. 

Recalling a verse from the Epistle to the Romans, Br. Valter Zancanaro, Executive Secretary of UMBRASIL, stressed the opportunity to strengthen fraternity which constitutes us as brothers and heirs of a mission that continues to be alive.  "We have to be united, to continue the work which has been handed over to us by those who preceded us.  We are heirs of a promise, heirs of a prophecy. We are prepared and we are not the future of the Congregation, we are its present”, he encouraged us. 

The encounter consisted of various activities of reflection and immersion, especially beginning with the experience of Father Champagnat with the young Montagne.  In order to make it a reality three experiences of solidarity were proposed regarding concrete realities of Porto Alegre: Isla de los Marineros, Isla Pintada and Barriada de Mario Quintana. 

More information on this encounter is available on the Web Page of USBRASIL.


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