How to work better as a team
The Marist Province of Nigeria had a Team Building Seminar for some of the Brothers. They include: Principals/Directors of Marist Secondary Schools, Headmasters of Marist Nursery/Primary Schools, Community Superiors, Heads of Social Centres, Provincial and Councilors.
The seminar took place at Marist Formation Centre in Orlu, Nigeria. It was a three days seminar facilitated By Mr Joe and Amaka of the Development, Education, Leadership and Service Consultants Enugu Nigeria.
Brothers were drilled on tips and skills of how to work better as a team in our Marist Establishments.
The seminar ended with a call for all to look at each Brother as important and vital in the mission. Individualistic tendencies were discouraged for team spirit.
The seminar was part of the Chapter Mandate to harness properly the human Resource in the Province.