I dream of an Institute …
The La Valla international novitiate, in Medellín, has been very present during this General Chapter. It is not a constant physical presence, but still a very significant presence. The formation community is composed of three Brothers, 12 novices, and one novice from the United States during the period of the Chapter. The first-year novices want to express their passion for the Marist charism by sharing the text below, highlighting the Marist life they dream of as young Brothers for a new beginning.
I DREAM OF AN INSTITUTE where Brothers are open and available for mission. With welcoming communities, artisans of peace, living joyfully in unity and fraternity as Brothers among Brothers. With large and wide doors where we include all those who cry to be rescued from the inconsistencies of this world. I dream of building a family that is fraternally united and placed in the hands of Mary, our Good Mother. In the future, I dream of being and sharing a great home; making a difference in every step that is taken, leaving a mark on each heart and inspiring the journey of our Brother to be a light of life, a place of welcome and understanding, education and transparency from the smallest to the greatest. I dream of a community that bears hope. I dream that I will not walk alone. My life is shared with the Brothers of my community. Along this path, I am delighted that others will come, even though they are not walking not quickly.
I DREAM OF AN INSTITUTE with "rodachines", that is, that gradually spreads out to those new lands where we are needed; going without fear to the peripheries and leaving our comfort zones. An Institute that is seeks open-hearted encounters with today’s children and youth. I dream of an Institute that gives priority to transforming the lives of children and young people by the quality of time we share with them. An Institute with "eyes open", attentive to every detail that the reality of children and young people raises, responding immediately to the needs of today's children and youth. An Institute attentive to the signs of the times, without losing our origins, is constantly and currently renewing itself. I dream of a community that gives itself generously to the most impoverished of the world and that put itself at their service.
I DREAM OF AN OPEN INSTITUTE, with broad and fraternal relationships with our lay men and women, working toward the same ideal, where together we can share the mission and where we all feel involved in serving the most vulnerable in our societies. An Institute that enters into greater communion and shares mission with the Church and with other congregations, even in mixed communities, enriching each other in favour of ideals that favour children and youth. That being in communion with the whole world in the Marist way is a testimony to others. I dream of communion with others, starting with myself. This is where we often have to learn to forgive and be forgiven.
I DREAM OF AN INSTITUTE where each of us keeps alive the dynamism of our vocation and renews each day the charism of Marcellin Champagnat so that in each one of us is given a new beginning. I dream of a lifestyle that facilitates the personal fulfillment of each one of its members at an intellectual, spiritual, apostolic level. I dream of the quality of our responses to the project of our Founder.
I DREAM OF AN INSTITUTE in which the Marist charism is shared and spreads toall countries and any culture. I dream of a Marist life, embodied in the reality of every environment, not only in our places of surety (colleges, universities, foundations). I dream of an Institute of Brothers convinced of their vocation and the greatness of it, not of comfortable people … just existing.
I DREAM OF A PROPHETIC INSTITUTE who lives what it says. We can do this with discernment and prayer. An Institute that gives voice to the most needy of our society. An institute not frightened by structures of power, but brave in the face of adversity. Specifically, I think we can enter into conversations, in our towns and cities, to include voices that are not heard. An Institute that speaks clearly, loudly, the call of the Spirit in our times, an Institute that can be an example for the Church, not with shouts or noise, but with simplicity and modesty.
I DREAM OF AN APOSTOLIC INSTITUTE, which values the need to contemplate, as Mary taught us, "pondering everything in her heart". Champagnat has given us an example in this, always faithful in his relationship with the Father. We are already realizing this dream in the Institute, especially in formation programs. I dream of what has been formed during these 200 years in the Institute: the Marist family. Regardless of our origin, we are all called to serve children and young people in a special way; to share our Marist apostolic spirituality and to live in creative fidelity to the charism.
I DREAM OF AN INSTITUTE that faithfully lives following of Jesus Christ. I dream of continuing to follow Jesus as Mary did and our Founder, St. Marcellin Champagnat. I dream of the gift of life that God gives us. He has made us people so we can be happy and we can make others happy. I dream of an Institute that embodies the Gospel and a community that breaks plans, available to be of service anywhere in the world.