II International Marist Mission Assembly
Since last August, in many units of the Province, our collaborators have been taking part in celebrations and discussions in view of preparation for the II IMMA. The meetings consist of time for studying and going deeper into, within a personal and community framework, the topics proposed by the co-ordination team of the II IMMA for the whole Marist world. The dynamic is developed in little groups formed of Brothers, laity, youth and other persons of the Units, communities and movements (Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family, Marist Youth Ministry, etc.).
In April will take place the Provincial Meeting in preparation for the II IMMA; its purpose is to share and celebrate the times lived during the local stage.
The Assembly will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, in Africa from 16 to 27 September 2014. It represents an important moment for the Marist Institute for, starting from there, we will be better able to perceive our own identity and respond to the calls of Pope Francis for a «Church turned outwards ». This initiative will equally meet one of the calls coming from the XXI General Chapter : to establish a relationship of greater union and liveliness between Brothers and Laity the world over.
To keep people informed about the progress of the activities in the Province in preparation for the Assembly, a page has been created on Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/aimm.grupomarista