2014-08-14 KENYA

II International Marist Mission Assembly

The month of July was a month of various meetings and preparations for the II International Marist Mission Assembly (II IMMA). Br João Carlos do Prado, co-ordinator of the Preparatory Commission of the II IMMA,  and Br Mario Meuti, in charge of the financing of the Assembly, met in Nairobi with the Brothers of the Marist International Centre (MIC) and the Province of Central East Africa (PACE) to give guidance for the infrastructure, logistics, programming, services and security for the Assembly. They also met with the MIC Support Commission, which is composed of 12 Brothers who co-ordinate the working groups, and with Brothers Lawrence  Ndawala,  Albert Nzabonaliba and  Cyprian Gandeebo who co-ordinate the Local Commission and centralize all the discussions about the II IMMA. Br Mark Omede, representative of Africa on the Preparatory Commission, also had the opportunity to take part in some meetings.

Besides the work with MIC, they visited and had meetings with the Sisters in charge of the three meeting houses which will host the participants at the II IMMA, and contact was made with the suppliers and providers of services.

Nairobi is already living the advent of the II IMMA and is very well prepared to welcome all the participants. Much enthusiasm and energy has been invested in the preparation on the part of the Brothers and the Sisters who will be the hosts. Starting on the 2nd of September, the Preparatory Commission will begin arriving in Nairobi in order to support the work being done in preparation for this great event for the whole Marist Institute. 


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