II International Marist Mission Assembly
From various places of our country on the Equator, 26 delegates of the Marist works came together to assist in the national phase of the II IMMA – Nairobi 2014. From 28 to 30 March, in Loja, brothers and lay persons from Macará, Quito, Santo Domingo, Quevedo and Loja, met to share hopes, experiences, lives, writings and photographs from the local assemblies.
During the meeting, we developed an agenda for getting to know each other, become integrated, present our resumés and celebrate the faith in prayer and eucharist. We followed the methodology of the round tables. At the end, we elected the delegates from Ecuador to the Norandina Provincial Assembly.
We feel that God continues to call us, to count on us and ask us:
* To live the charism of Marcellin Champagnat and feel ourselves brothers.
* To make Jesus Christ known and loved.
* To see in the charism and missionary vocation of Marcellin the good news of Jesus.
* To take on our IDENTITY AS NEW MARISTS ON MISSION enlightened by the missionary proposal of Champagnat for the present.
From Loja, a Marist city, we wish a happy and fruitful meeting in May to all the delegates of the Province of Norandina and we ask the "Good Mother" and the "Risen Jesus" that this work will serve to support and strengthen the Kingdom of God here on earth.