2015-03-27 GENERAL HOUSE

II International Marist Mission Assembly

The Preparatory Commission for the II AIMM suggested that, after the meeting in Nairobi, each region would organize during 2015, a regional meeting as an opportunity to communicate the proposals and ideas that arise from an experience on African soil.

Some of the regions have already organized it and have fixed a date. The Marists of Europe will meet in L’Hermitage from 13 to 16 April. The Arco Norte region will celebrate its meeting from 20 to 23 October in Guatemala. The Marist brothers of Australia will meet in Mittagong from 20 to 23 August. Asia, who is yet to set a date, will also celebrate a regional meeting. Furthermore, other provinces are organizing themselves for provincial activities: the District of Paraguay in May, and Cruz del Sur on two different dates of June.

The final documents of the Assembly is available on the Institute’s website for anyone who wants to print it.

The Provinces will receive in the near future the latest issue of FMS, dedicated to AIMM II, with features, articles and testimonials from participants of the meeting in Nairobi.


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