2014-05-23 BRAZIL

II Marist International Mission Assembly

During the Second Marist International Mission Assembly (II MIMA) – to be held from September 16 to 27 in Nairobi, Kenya – the Marist Province of Brasil Centro-Norte (MPBCN) will be represented by Brother James Pinheiro, Provincial Agencies Manager, and by Lucas Carneiro, lay Marist and teaching assistant at Dom Silverio College in Belo Horizonte (Mato Grosso). The appointment of the delegates was carried out on Wednesday, May 21, through democratic election among the participants of the II MIMA provincial phase, which took place from May 19 to 21 at the Formation Center of Vila Champagnat in Brazlândia, Federal District.

The II MIMA provincial phase gathered 57 people from the Education and Social Units, the Central Office, the religious communities, and the MPBCN Provincial Council. Participants in the three-day event shared the discussion summaries from the II AIMM local phase. The provincial phase document, which will consolidate the results of this work, will be brought to Nairobi by the delegates from the Province. The text containing the statements, emerging possibilities, and paths to be explored in the Institute, will be reviewed by the II MIMA provincial team, which will make the final adjustments.

Jorge Vargas, lay Marist from the MPBCN and Evangelization Coordinator at the Marist Union of Brasil (UMBRASIL), was elected as an alternate delegate to the Assembly.


Marist International Center, Nairobi...


International Marist Mission Assembly...