2018-06-25 SOUTH AFRICA

Impact oriented participatory project management cycle

An inter-congregational formation workshop was held in Durban, South Africa, from June 12 – 16 on project management and fundraising for religious of South and East Africa. The second part of this workshop will take place from Sept. 11 – 15.

Thirty-five participants attended, including 30 religious sisters and Marist Brothers Rick Carey, of FMSI, and Frank L. Mwambucha, of the Southern Africa province.

Under the title ‘Impact oriented participatory project management cycle’, the workshop aimed at teaching members of different congregations in Africa skills in writing project proposals, project management, planning, reporting and fundraising.

The facilitators reminded the participants of the importance of considering the Catholic social teaching in order to achieve the preferential option for the poor through the projects they will be implementing.

“Participation of the members was so wonderful and learning easily took place.The workshop went well, and it is worth sponsoring others in the future, so they can attend similar workshops,” said Br Frank Lackwell Mwambuch.


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