In the dance of the mission
The 2nd National Congress of Marist Youth Ministry will take place from Oct. 12 – 15 at the Colegio Marista Champagnat in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Organised by UMBRASIL, in communion with the Provinces, the Congress will bring together about 450 young Marists for moments of study and integration.
The programme has debates on critical thinking in relation to social processes and public policies for young people, conferences, panels and so-called ‘immersion trips’ – moments in which participants visit institutions that promote social work in areas such as health, education and social assistance.
In addition to living the mysticism and sharing ideas that contribute to the formation of adolescents and young people, the congress will celebrate the activities of the Marist Youth Ministry (PJM), which promotes the evangelisation of adolescents.
For 12 years, Marist units in Brazil have brought together groups of young people interested in experiencing spirituality more deeply.
The PJM is a space where the formation of leadership is experienced through socialisation, the construction of critical awareness and solidarity.
The real-time news will be posted on UMBRASIL's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umbrasil1/