In the style of Mary and Saint Marcellin Champagnat
The Marist Educational Community of Tepic is in fiesta. Brothers and lay people are celebrating fifty years of evangelizing children and youth in the style of Mary and Saint Marcellin Champagnat. This year will be particularly favourable for any Marist, lay or consecrated, student or ex-student, parent, teacher or collaborator in general, to return to the sources, reflect and meditate on the events during these fifty years which have inspired them to collaborate in the mission entrusted to us by Saint Marcellin Champagnat. The founder of the Institute of the Marist Brothers asked us to “Make Jesus Christ known and loved”, “Form good Christians and virtuous citizens”.
The Colegio Cristóbal Colón was founded in 1948, by Father Alejandro Jiménez Morales, who had the desire of creating a good college for boys. It began with the Primary. Its first Director was Prof. J. de Jesús Anguiano, from 1948-1951.
Subsequently, the Secondary was formed in 1955. It gradually grew until it became difficult to look after, and Fr Alejandro requested the support of the Fathers of Families. These worked untiringly and decided to invite the Congregation of the Marist Brothers. In 1963 the Brothers accepted responsibility for the educational work.
Finally, at the request of the fathers of families, the possibility was studied, in 1979, of founding the preparatory school Cristóbal Colón. This dream was realized in 1981. From the beginning of the 1993-1994 school year, the college became mixed, and it has so continued, acquiring great prestige in society.
Today the Marist Educational Work of Tepic is conducted by the community of Marist Brothers, composed of Brs Roberto Aldrete Padilla, Salvador Varela, Sigifredo Jiménez Sáinz, Humberto Badillo Alvarado and Alfonso E. Lozano Castillo. Together with an excellent team of laity, they are committed to continuing the educational mission.
It is fitting to mention that in connection with our fifty years of Marist presence in Tepic, various celebrations have been programmed throughout the school year. On 2 September, a Mass and artistic festival were celebrated in the metropolitan park of the city, to which the whole Educational Community was invited. In addition, on 16 November, a special dinner will be held for former Marist students in the rooms of the Colegio Cristóbal Colón.
Sent by the Marist Educational Community of Tepic, Nay.