2018-06-06 GENERAL HOUSE

Institute seeks ties with Andorra?s Open University

Members of the general council met with directors of a university belonging to the De La Salle Brothers in Andorra on May 30 at the General House of the Marist Brothers in Rome.

The gathering, organised by the Secretariat of Mission, included Br Luis Carlos Gutiérrez (vicar general); Br Ben Consigli and Br João Carlos do Prado (general councillors); Br Libardo Garzón (econome general); Br Carlos Alberto Rojas and Br Mark Omede (Secretariat of Mission directors).

The directors of the Universitat Oberta La Salle, located in La Massana, that took part were August Climent, the university’s chancellor; Br Josep Guiteras fsc, president of the university’s promoting society; and Br Joan Carles Vazquez fsc, the university’s manager.

“This meeting was born with the purpose of knowing different possibilities for the training qualifications and the management of the formation that the Institute offers to brothers and lay people at the provincial, regional and global levels,” Brother Carlos Alberto stated on May 31.


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