Inter-American Conference of Provincials
The Meeting of the Permanent Council of CIAP and the commissions: Inter-American Mission Commission and Inter-American Commission of Spirituality, Brothers and Laity, was held in Colombia from 5 to 8 November. Also present were some members of the Secretariats from Rome. The objective was to outline some joint paths of animation and management for life and mission in America.
Those present included Brothers Libardo Garzón Duque, Francisco Javier Pérez Paris, Horacio Bustos, Wellington Mousinho de Medeiros, Vicente Sossai Falchetto, Valdicer Civa Fachi , John Klein, Gérard Bachand, Carlos Vélez Cacho, Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Gregorio Linacero, Oscar Rafael Montenegro Cueva, Diego Zawadzky and the lay persons María del Socorro Álvarez, Gustavo Balbinot, Ernesto Reyes, Moises Beltrán, João Luis Fedel Gonçalves, Carlos Alb. Bonilla (translator) and Leidin Moreno (secretary). Brothers Tony León (Brothers Today), Mario Meuti (FMSI) and Chris Wills (Cmi – Collaboration for Mission International) attended from Rome.