2008-04-24 SPAIN

?Interior Silence?, latest Marist music on CD

Saint Paul?s Multimedia Publications, better known as Daughters of St. Paul, has issued a CD containing eight songs by Kairoi, a Marist ensemble. The songs are in a new disk entitled ?Interior Silence,? which includes well known, previously released selections. New songs are also found in the album. The songs have been chosen according to the creative preferences of one member of the Kairoi group.

The new release has two goals. First, in regard to the content, the album brings together a selection ?of the essential, of the sufficient? which the composer elaborated while he was working with Karoi. Secondly as to the style, the composer has sought a musical palate which marks a new maturity in his. ?The rhythms are rather long but pleasing. The voice is a little richer, giving the lyrics more ?space? and the music better cohesion, hoping to win over the sentiments of the listeners.?

Some people have used the music of Kairoi for moments of personal or community prayer. Such people may find in the new CD, ?Interior Silence,? a testimony to the personal experience which over many years has permeated the author?s spirituality and mission and his interpretation of the music. ?I wish to sing the songs? he writes, ?in order to hear them again myself. In that way they may speak to me once again: this time, more slowly, with more attention to interiority and inner sentiments. My hope is that the music would invite its hearers into a kind of serenity where they might savor each phrase and each feeling. Only in silence – it seems to me – only in deeply felt simplicity can one listen a second time, can you begin to hear the music as if for the first time.?

The author has dedicated his artistic, new CD to several dear friends as well as to ?those who are searching: to all who have made the music of Karoi a lifeline of their personal Christian convictions; to the men and women who may discover and re-discover these songs by giving time to let the music do its work.?

The CD contains the following selections: 1. The Glance; 2. And You Keep on Living; 3. If One Has Surrendered Fully to Christ; 4. Come, Holy Spirit; 5. Listen, Mary; 6. We will Say Yes; 7. The Fruit Has Ripened; 8. Father, I Have Come Back to You. (There is also background music without vocals.). Those desiring more information may contact http://www.musica.sanpablo.es


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