International Congress of the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC)
The Director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation, Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, represented the Institute at the International Congress of the OIEC (International Office of Catholic Education) that was held from 5 to 8 June at Fordham University, New York. Its logo was “Educating to Fraternal Humanism to build a Civilisation of Love”. motivation
At the event, some Marist projects and educational works were mentioned as examples of best practice. The one that stood out was the Fratelli Project in Lebanon, a joint initiative of the Marist and De la Salle congregations, as one of the most inspiring examples in the world of the ministry of Catholic education. The De la Salle Brother, Habib Zraibi, made the presentation in front of 550 participants in the auditorium of the United Nations General Assembly.
Similarly, mention was made of the Marist initiative, “Visión estratégica Operativa”, of the Province of Central Mexico as an example of a quality approach, unified under the same provincial apostolic project. It was presented by Prof. Alfonso Ruiz.
Also, at the congress there was the book launch of “Las escuelas católicas del mundo: innovan y transforman sus contextos. Educan al humanismo solidario para construir una civilización del amor”. Of the 240 Catholic schools singled out as worthy of imitation, eight are Marist.
“Over the last 4 years we Marist Brother have been on the Executive Committee of the OIEC and have been re-elected for a further 4 years. Representation is institutional”, said Br Carlos Alberto when talking about his participation in the Congress.
OIEC is an international Catholic organization with the aims to participate in the Church’s mission to promote a worldwide Catholic-inspired educational project.