International Gathering of Marist Youth
The International Youth Marist Meeting (10th– 15th August), ends with a beautiful celebration of thankfulness. Thankfulness towards God who offered us this wonderful experience. Thankfulness towards the people in charge of the house for their welcoming attitude. Thankfulness towards those who have organized the meeting. Thankfulness towards all those who have worked behind the scenes. An enormous “THANK YOU!” to all because this meeting has just been perfect!
And, before leaving, a time of reflection to fulfil our commitment. Around the property, in the garden or hanging on a base one could see a beautiful collection of pictures that reflected the realities of our world. The pictures were as open windows depicting the rash reality that lies behind the walls of Buitrago, all around the world. Young people stopped and looked at those they particularly felt sensitive about. These pictures made us think about our commitment. Go and tell what you have seen.
In the meeting room some big pieces of paper were put on the floor. Each participant had to leave the print of his/her own hand on them. Symbolically, they represented his/her presence in the meeting and his/her personal commitment.
Brother Joao Carlos do Prado, Director of the Secretariat of Mission, announced that the next meeting would take place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) around the dates decided for the next World Youth Day. The meeting will be organized by the Brazilian Marist provinces. That announcement closed the Marist Youth International Meeting of Buitrago.
The celebration continued in the school of “San Jose del Parque”. There were participants coming from Tui, Barcelona, Alicante and Buitrago. More than four hundred young people accompanied by a large number of Marist brothers. We celebrated mass at six o’clock in the afternoon. During the Eucharist, Emili Turù, Superior General, spoke about some of the things that the Spirit was communicating through the Young Marists gathered in Spain. He said: “Marist charisma is alive and is a source of inspiration for thousands of young people of the five continents”.
Our Brazilian brothers –who will be organizing the next International Meeting of Young Marists- gave an icon to the representatives of the five continents asking them to take it to the places where Marists work and live as preparation to the meeting of Rio de Janeiro.
The mass was very moving, many symbols were used that favoured the participation of the young. When people exchanged peace signs, one could see a sea of faces in tune with what people were feeling. At the end of the Eucharist and according to the tradition of the Byzantine Church, blessed bread was distributed among the crowd. This special sign was very much appreciated by the representatives of Syria and Lebanon.
The day ended by a diner in the open in the courtyard of the school followed by a music festival. The group invited was Kairoi. The young were able to sing and dance and the melodies of this group are now better known by young Marists.