International Marist Youth Ministry Commission
The XXIGeneral Chapter confirmed the letter of Mendès in saying that « evangelization is the centre and priority of our apostolic activities: to announce Jesus Christ and his message ». It is in this sense that the Marist Institute offers all Provinces and Districts the Document « Evangelizers among Youth », drawn up by an International Marist Youth Commission, co-ordinated by Br Emili Turú. This document has already been sent to the Administrative Units.
The Bureau of Mission presented a request to the General Council for a new International MYM Commission to be set up for implementing the Document. This Commission consists of: Mr. Carlos Ulises Centeno López – México Occidental, Br Luiz André da Silva Pereira – Brasil Centro Norte, Br Ramon Rúbies – L’Hermitage, Br Rommell Ocasiones – East Asia, Br Ifeanyi Mbaegbu – Nigeria, Mrs Simone Boyd – Melbourne, Br João Carlos do Prado – Bureau of Mission, co-ordinator.
The Commissionmet in Rome from 1 to 5 August 2011 to study the document and develop strategies for its implementation in all the Administrative Units. Particular attention has been given to considering the cultural diversity of each Region of the Institute. According to the participants, the Document provides a new framework for Marist evangelization and a concrete and prophetic proposal for MYM which can be applied in all the Administrative Units in accord with their individual situation.
The strategies developed by the Commission are: a) Process for studying and implementing the Document. This consists of four steps – study, development or revision of the MYM of the Administrative Unit in light of the Document, formation of leaders/multipliers and application; b) Programming of Regional Meetings to study and support the implementation of the Document. To do this, the Commission has programmed a regional meeting by continent to study and implement the Document. The meetings will last four and a half days and will be held in the first half of 2012, according to a calendar to be communicated. Those invited are brothers, laity and youth responsible for MYM in the Administrative Unit or capable of assuming this responsibility ; c) Development of practical means. To support the study and implementation of the Document and the regional meetings, several proposals of assistance have been formulated, which will be communicated to the Administrative Units. T The documentation and programming of the regional meetings will be sent to the Administrative Units in October 2011. The summary of the process of implementation of the Document is presented in the diagram below:
The Document « Evangelizers among youth » is meant to be a support for our evangelizing mission among them. We are invited to give an open and generous response, in accord with the situation of our Administrative Unit. We can do much for the children and youth and with them. The young rely on our confidence and our support so that they can take the place which belongs to them.