International solidarity
About 15 years ago Brother Douglas Welsh and Tony McLean were commissioned by Lawside RC Academy (Dundee, Scotland) to travel to India. Their objective, the possibility of collaborating with the Brothers of Mangamanuthu and Trichy.
In the course of these years the Marists of Scotland have been able to become very close to the Brothers and students of Marcellin High School, Mangamanuthu and the Rainbow Project in Trichy, which takes care of the mothers and children with AIDS.
Several schools in Scotland are involved in the project; as well as praying for their friends in India they raise funds to provide them with books, writing and drawing materials, photocopy machines, computer equipment. For the Rainbow Project sewing machines materials, books, money for the education of the children; they also contributed money to help the Brothers during the typhoons that hit the country.
The picture shows some students of St. John's High School presenting their latest cheque to Brother Douglas, trustee of the India Village Project.
There is not enough space here to describe the magnitude of the connection between Scotland and India, but more information can be obtained from this website: