Journeying the Marist way
“Journeying the Marist way” was the theme of the 2nd Provincial Gathering on Marist Education. About 50 Marists, Brothers and Lay Persons, from the five countries of our Province met in Guardamar, Spain, from 3rd to 6th June.
The aim was to carry on from the first gathering, which had taken place in the same venue in June 2014, but on this occasion we focussed on the Marist Identity of those who are involved in the schools and other projects of the Province.
After a resume, presented by Aisling Demaison, of what had happened in the last two years with regard to Marist Mission, we listened to the personal Marist stories of two lay persons and two Brothers. The sharing which followed allowed each one of us to take a position, and throw some light on what are the specifics of being Marist: a Marian way of living the Gospel, done with simplicity, family spirit, a personal and common engagement, a closeness and a caring presence to the young, according to the spirit of Champagnat and the first Brothers.
Workshops allowed us to consider in depth some aspects of Marist Mission in today’s context. Times of meditation and social interaction brought a good balance to the gathering.
Finally, future plans were laid out, in particular with regard to the celebration of the Bicentenary of the Institute, in the schools with staff and pupils, and in the different projects in the Province. Equally, the Marist Network and Marist Identity were strengthened and were a source of enthusiasm for all the participants.
From the General Administration, were present Brothers Ernesto Sánchez, General Councillor, and Tony Leon, Director of the Secretariat Brothers Today.
Brother Robert Thunus