Journeying Together as Global Family!
On Sept. 9, the general council presented the new organisational chart of the general administration, for the period 2018 – 2025, to all the secretariats and services of the general administration.
Brother Ernesto Sánchez began the presentation by recalling the seven words that he would like this period of government to be characterised by: unity, synergy, integration, direction, organisation, leadership and communication.
He also recalled that the Chapter invites us to build a global family, which involves everyone, brothers and laity, and all levels of the Institute, and asked for mutual collaboration to make the Chapter’s proposals a reality. The new organisational chart of the general administration is an important instrument for the general government to carry out its mission, in accordance with the constitutions and the recommendations of the XXII General Chapter.
The level of government is formed by the superior general and his council who have the role of leadership and decision-making, while the operational level focuses on the implementation and development of initiatives and processes of Marist life and mission under the responsibility of the general government.
The new organisational chart is an instrument of the general government to support its service to life and to the Marist mission at all levels of the Institute.
Three areas
Between the two levels there will be a coordination that will seek to guarantee a better integration and synergy between the areas of Marist life, Marist mission and Marist institutional services and of these with the council, led by the vicar general, Brother Luís Carlos Gutiérrez.
The “Marist Life” area will include everything that refers to the identity and vocation of the Marists of Champagnat and will be composed of the “Brothers Today Secretariat” and the “Secretariat of the Laity.”
In addition, the LaValla200 Project, from the “Collaboration for Mission, International Department” (Cmi) will be present. The contents of this area are: Marist vocation, charisma, spirituality, formation, communities, etc.
The “Marist Mission” area includes the “Secretariat of Education and Evangelization” (the new name of the Secretariat of Mission) and the new “Secretariat of Solidarity” dedicated to solidarity projects and non-formal education works under which the FMSI will be a protagonist in the theme of children’s rights and in the collection of funds for solidarity. The “Cmi Department” will also be present in this area with the volunteer projects for the mission. This area covers education, evangelization, youth ministry, social work, volunteering, children’s rights, networks, etc.
The “Marist Institutional Services” area is formed by the departments currently linked to the General Secretariat (archive, procurator, postulator) and by the Econome General, with its commissions, including the General House.
There is, finally, a Shared Services area, under the coordination of the Econome General, which will include services linked to communication, translations, technological instruments, human resources, audits, etc.
A key element of the new organisational chart is the coordination of the various processes and activities to harmonise all the actions of the general government at the service of the administrative units and regions. So that the areas do not walk in isolation, the general council is creating the Committees of Areas that will ensure coordination and seek synergy and integration between the different teams that make up each of the areas.
The various commissions and committees that currently exist will continue their work in their respective areas.
Coordination of the general council
Superior General Brother Ernesto Sánchez briefly summarised the general coordination of this organizational chart.
Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, vicar general, will oversee the coordination of the areas, together with other persons that will be chosen later on.
Brothers Sylvain, João and Óscar will be the links for the Marist Life area, while Brothers Luis Carlos, Ben and Ken will be the links for the “Marist Mission” area. Brothers Josep Maria, Carlos Huidobro (Secretary General) and Libardo Garzón (Econome General) will coordinate the “Marist Institutional Services”.
Objective of the organization chart
Br João Carlos do Prado stressed that “this structure does not serve itself, but is at the service of the Marist charism, which is to be together with the young people and the children”.
At the same time, he recalled that being an instrument to concretize the plan of the general government has a provisional nature: “it is not a definitive structure; it can change at any time because the structure must adapt itself according to the needs, it must adapt to better serve the moment and the historical and institutional circumstances that are experienced.
Therefore, it is not just a change of structures, but a new way of doing things: a more co-responsible style, with greater communication and collaboration,” stressed Brother João.
Finally, Br Óscar Martín Vicario recalled that the current moment of the Institute’s life is marked by words that begin with “co” (coordination, collaboration …). “We are using the word ‘co-creation’: we are creating a new thing together. The idea of coordination was one of the points that needed more development and we think that this is the way to do that, with this structure”.