2014-03-20 GENERAL HOUSE

Laity and Brothers

From 26 to 29 of this month, more than 50 lay persons and brothers will be meeting in Rome to reflect together on Lay Association and Belonging. The meeting has been promoted by Br Emili with the collaboration of the Secretariat of the Laity. 

It has the following objectives: 

* To share information about the different possibilities of lay Marist association and belonging, particularly based on the experience of other religious families and already existing projects in various parts of the Institute. 

* To begin a process of discernment about the structures of association and belonging most suitable for our Institute. 

* To offer some recommendations to both the General Council and the AUs with regard to the road to travel on this subject to the next a General Chapter. 

The program will be developed in harmony with the previous objectives. In accord with the first objective, three lay persons have been invited to offer their testimony about the lay Marist, three Congregations will present their experiences with laity (Scolopi, Marianists and Salesian Cooperators), and finally we will be informed about some realities in our own Institute (Champagnat Movement, Association of Australia, Association of Canada, Vocational Processes of Santa María de los Andes, Private Associations of Mulhouse and Ciudad Juárez, personal commitments). 


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