The Lavalla200> (International Communities for a New Beginning) Planning Committee (Brothers Joe McKee, Chris Wills, Libardo Garzon and Tony Leon) and the Formation Team (Brothers Ángel Medina and Jeff Crowe) met at the General House, 24 November – 2 December.
In consultation with Brother Emili and the General Councillors a ‘short list’ of candidates was decided upon.
Invitations to the 2016 Formation Program in May and June 2016 will be made to the candidates before Christmas. Other candidates will be invited to the 2017 Formation Program.
The number of candidates is limited by three factors: Space at the Formation Site; Accompaniment of the Candidates; Numbers needed for the 2016 group of Lavall200> communities.
The first draft of the Formation Program was written. It includes a mixture of presentations but has an emphasis on an international group living interculturally.
The location of the Formation Program will be in a hamlet 50 km from Firenze (Florence) where candidates will live in live in Community Units which mirror the likely experience of the new Lavalla200> communities located ‘on the peripheries’.
The formational challenge for the candidates will be to make the shift from ‘living internationally’ to ‘living interculturally’.