2021-06-27 CUBA

Lavalla200> Community at Holguín, Cuba

The Marist community “Montagne” of Holguín this year is made up of Rosa Schiaffino (Mediterránea) and Brothers Jorge Gaio (Brasil Centro-Sul) and Luis Sanz (Santa María de los Andes). Present in the city since 2019 as part of the LaValla200> initiative, the Marists are involved in youth ministry with groups of children, teenagers and university students, young catechists, organising guitar classes in their house and in a poor area of Holguín.  There is now a new possibility in the country to help young people set up small businesses. Every weekend they also go to the parish of Cacocum and the surrounding villages. Their intention is to train leaders and support lay leaders. The community lives in a diocesan house.

For the moment, the community and the whole city of Holguín is in lockdown as the number of Covid cases is increasing again. The rate of vaccination has been slow, but the government is promising to speed things up. (Cuba has developed two vaccines of its own). Educational centres are shut and all non-essential work prohibited. Rosa, Jorge and Luis remain in good spirits.  They continue their ministry via Whatsapp groups!

No problem for them to find time for a community meeting to talk through and design their vision and priorities:

The Marist community “Montagne” of Holguín recognises the land that welcomes us as a sacred place to come to barefoot, showing the respect that its people and culture deserve.

We understand Mission as walking with others: supporting them in their own growth and offering them the support they need to achieve their full human potential; respecting the rhythm and time to grow and bear fruit that each of us, both inside and outside the community, needs.

We are aware of the need to work on our inner self deep-down, being like manioca plants where we find nourishment in the roots.

We wish to cultivate respect for others and for ourselves, as well as opportunities for personal and community growth in order to be life-giving.

We see in our diversity a true richness to offer in our Mission and community life; likewise we recognise the diversity of those we meet around us as a gift.

We wish to respond boldly to the needs that are emerging, taking Mary as our model, who, moved by the Spirit of Pentecost in the “Cenacle”, together with the disciples, overcame fear and apathy.

We commit ourselves to “dance” with joy, knowing that the energy, joy and love transmitted through the “dance of Mission” are contagious.

We want to continue to drink from the “Living Water” that Jesus offers us as food and nourishment to care for the Creation that dwells in us and in the Universe, moved by the Spirit that stimulates and generates the sensitivity to tend the gardens of Life so full of diversity, beauty and yet fragility.


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