2020-09-24 ITALY

LaValla200> Community of Syracuse working for the social inclusion of migrants

Along with other Sicilian and Italian groups working for the welcome and integration of migrants, the Solidarity Foundation of Italian Champagnat Marists is backing a project called “Comune dei Popoli”, aimed at working with migrants to independently access social services that are unfamiliar to them or hard to contact.

The Comune dei Popoli Project – co-financed by the European Union and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI) – aims to train public servants and private business people to improve the quality of their assistance and mentoring, and, at the same time, to guide foreign citizens present in the Syracuse area to take full advantage of existing social services.

The training will offer courses for public servants and private individuals, grouping together people with similar skills, experiences and working methods into teams of equals, capable of defining common goals and generating options.

International Community of Syracuse

The community of the LaValla200> initiative has been in Syracuse since late 2016. Under the umbrella of the Solidarity Foundation of Italian Champagnat Marists, the community of brothers and lay Marists work in behalf of immigrants and conduct the C.I.A.O. centre, inaugurated in January 2019. C.I.A.O. is an intercultural space of assistance and guidance designed especially for young immigrants and refugees living in Syracuse and its surrounding areas. It is aimed in particular at minors in first and second stage reception centres and at newcomers who want to integrate into the country. The centre offers services to help them in their process of adaptation and integration into Italian society.


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