
LaValla200> Project
The Tabatinga community, in Amazonia, is one of the new international communities of the LaValla200> Project. Members joined mid-September for a new life experience. Brother Iñigo García, of the Ibérica Province, shares his experience.
Walking in these new times, in this new land, with new brothers and sisters, among cross border com-munities and realities: Tabatinga, Umariazú, Benjamín Constant, Atalaia of the north, Saint Rosa of Peru, Islandia de Peru, Leticia…
Being a Marian face of the Church; fully living our vocations; creating a space so that brothers and laity can share their life, faith and mission; embody a spirit of communion with the land, cultures, expressions of celebration; exercise the ministry of hospitality and of encounter, being a joyful presence among chil-dren and youth, and in their respective local communities, in their vulnerable situation… we could say this expresses the dream and commitment of the new international communities of the LaValla200> Project that have begun their path during the month of September in different regions of the Marist Institute: America Sur, Arco Norte, Asia, Europa and Oceania.
We find ourselves in Tabatinga (Amazonia), in the triple border of Brazil-Colombia-Peru, part of the Marist region America Sur.
Our community is made up of four members, each one of a different nationality: Peggy Vivas of Venezuela, Verónica Rubí of Argentina, Justin Golding of Australia and this author. Three of us have already begun sharing our lives in this triple border, waiting for Justin, who is still dealing with his appropriate documents to be able to reside in Brazil . (…)
On Sept. 18 and 19, the provincial Brother Inácio Etges and the viceprovincial Brother Deivis Ficher of the Brasil Sul-Amazonia Province and the provincial Brother Alberto Aparicio of the Cruz del Sur Province and the coordinator of the America Sur regional council offered us a simple wel-coming celebration, expressing their closeness and the support of the whole region in this new venture where together we are making a path and celebrating life in mission.
This is a historic moment of the Institute; it’s about “a new beginning” in which Marcellin’s dream beats with strength in this beautiful of the world. A shared and accompanied dream!
Time seems to slow down and acquires a new dimension and measure: time for (un)learning and (re)placing one’s self.
The day, in these early stages, has been oriented to know, to move, to open the door, to greet and introduce one’s self, to participate in the rhythm and encounters of the different local communities.
Throughout September and October, we have been able to partici-pate in actions of visibility and awareness against human trafficking, especially sexual exploita-tion of children and women; in the training of indigenous communities in their rights and access to public services through the Conselho Indigenista Missionario; in celebration of the various no-venas of the festivities of the Holy Angels, St Francis of Assisi and Our Lady of Aparecida.
The faith in its various expressions, congregates, celebrates and makes sense! Each encounter is an opportunity to listen, to recognise the simplicity of life that emerges out in the open and behind the backs of majority societies.
Thankful, and with a mother's heart
Br Iñigo García