Lay woman of the Philippines leads workshop for Brothers and Laity in Africa
During a workshop held for lay Marists and brothers in Orlu, Nigeria, the provincial elected a committee of nine members that will support brothers and laity in their work.
Provincial Superior Brother Joachim Ezetulugo also thanked Agnes Reyes, who travelled from the Philippines to lead the workshop from April 4 – 9.
“He told us that having accepted the vocation as Lay Marists, we have to live out the Marist spirituality in our homes,” Iwu Elias told the general house press office.
The workshop was held at the Marist Formation Centre under the theme ‘Brothers and Lay Marists searching for a greater vitality of the Marist mission in Nigeria.’
“Lay people teld to be relegated to the background, which is not proper,” affirmed Iwu in a written statement. “We have to change the notion and understand that lay people have the co-responsibility with the Brothers to move the Church forward.”
“It is with great joy and gratitude to God that we thank the Institute of the Marist Brothers in Rome for accepting to send a facilitator, Agnes, and sponsoring her for this workshop in Nigeria,” he added. “This workshop has enabled us to interact with our colleagues and Marist brothers in order to enrich our knowledge with which we could emulate from the lives of Marcellin Champagnat.”
Agnes told participants that “the challenges we encounter should not prevent us from moving forward” and urged the lay Marists of Nigeria to “stand firm and grow because God, our mother Mary and the universal Church are always with us.”
During the event, participants also took part in the burial of Brother Tobias Okwara on April 6.
In the picture, newly elected committee members pose with Provincial Superior Brother Joachim Ezetulugo and lay Marists Agnes Reyes and Iwu Elias.