2013-03-24 MEXICO

Leaders of tomorrow

130 young people at preparatory level (16-17-18 years old) from 10 Marist colleges, 20 adult accompaniers and a good number of Brothers, under the charge of Br Agustín, of the Marist Youth Ministry of the  Province of « México Occidental », took part in the first National Camp for Marist Youth Leaders, from 21 to 26 February 2013, in Tapalpa.

These young people, who had followed a preparatory process for this unique experience, represented thousands of youth.

Emphasis must be placed on the sense of responsibility of these young people, girls and boys, their sense of discipline and respect for equipment, their commitment before the various challenges to be faced which were not at all easy… their sense of sharing and their dynamism !!! They are truly « leaders of today » in their respective schools and they will be « leaders of tomorrow » in society.




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