2014-08-06 GENERAL HOUSE

Lexicon Project

Going out to new lands, as the XXI General Chapter asked us to do, has led us to walk hopefully within the framework of a new relationship between brothers and laity based on communion. This process is slowly taking shape and developing its own face. It has led us to reinterpret, in the light of the new relationship, terms like charism, vocation, communion, etc. New expressions have also emerged, such as shared charism, joint formation, joint vocations ministry, new way of being brothers…

That is why the Secretariat of Laity has seen the need to offer a lexicon including these and other terms defined under this new perspective. It is aimed at helping the laity to become acquainted with them, and the brothers to discover their original nuances. It also wishes to bring clarity and a common language to our discussions and meetings.

The project is being carried out with the participation of lay people and brothers from all the regions of the Institute. A drafting team is preparing the final version, ensuring its quality and trying to respond to the different cultural sensitivities.

Through the website, however, we wish to enrich the definition of these terms with everybody’s contribution. We want to build this conceptual framework in a collaborative way so that it can really help us in our journey of communion.

See the project


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