L?Hermitage Province
Saturday, June 24, was a joyful day in Notre Dame de l’Hermitage: Brother Than-Laurent Hua made his first profession in the Institute of the Marist Brothers.
Brother Than-Laurent Hua is French, originally from Vietnam and is aged 45 years old. He arrived to France aged only 14, facing great difficulties. After a long personal path, he listened and welcomed with great satisfaction the call the Lord made him to be a “Little Brother of Mary,” after reading a Vietnamese magazine, written by Brother Bonaventure Tran Con Lao.
A beautiful gathering of very diverse people accompanied him for the occasion: one of his sisters and a niece; Vietnamese friends residing in northern France; the novitiate community of Seville and other educators; Brothers and Laity of the Province who were doing their retreat and the faithful of the parish to which Hermitage belongs to.
It was a simple and joyful celebration with Christian symbols, in particular during the procession of the offertory.
Brother Than-Laurent had asked his novitiate colleagues to present stones of the Hermitage rock and a pick: the building of the Champagnat “house” continues to be spiritually built around the world, thanks to the youth of several countries that continue to answer ‘yes’ to the Lord’s call, like Mary.
After the Mass, a fraternal lunch gathered many participants and during which Brother Than-Laurent briefly recalled his journey through countless nooks.
Brother Michel Morel