L?Hermitage Province
Captivated by the Marist life and mission, some brothers and laity worldwide decided to create mixed communities.
That reality was born in Lagny, France, and this year, the community of the Marist brothers is being enriched with the presence of three laity and it turns into a mixed community with six members: Brothers Gérard Baudu, Toni Torrelles, Bernard Vial, the lay couple Maryvonne and Bernard Donnart as well as another lay, Colette Orlandi.
We would like to mutually accompany, create fraternal relationships starting from a live identity: the one of having been seduced by God to follow Jesus according to the spirit of Marcellin Champagnat.
The brothers bring the gift of religious vocation and charism thanks to their spiritual and community experience; meanwhile, the laity contribute with the gift of their lay vocation, their family lifestyles, their experiences in the Christian community and their particular experience of the charism (cf. Around the same table)
Los hermanos aportan el don de la vocación religiosa y su carisma gracias a su vivencia espiritual y su experiencia comunitaria; por su parte, los laicos contribuyen con el regalo de su vocación laical, sus estilos de vida familiar, sus experiencias en la comunidad cristiana y su particular vivencia del carisma (cf. En torno a la misma mesa)
The community, without living under the same ceiling, wishes to share, as Mary did: common life in periodic meetings, spirituality and mission among the youth and the most in need.