2012-12-02 MEXICO

Listening and dialogue, with a Marist heart

At the beginning of September, we began a course with the children of 5th and 6th, a good opportunity to learn their opinions, needs, dreams and concerns about themselves, school, the world and God. A process which allowed the children to be given time and space and which favoured listening and dialogue.

On 9, 10 and 11 November, the delegates of the schools taking part arrived in Querétaro, their faces a little worried, anxious, but cheerful and full of life. They were the spokesmen for many others. They were accompanied by their teachers. For most, it was a new experience, an opportunity of sharing with others the wealth of their daily classroom activities.

The children exposed the situation of their establishments and explained very simply how they perceived the problems they had to face in daily life ; they expressed their concerns for the family, the care of the planet and the consequences of violence.

They created a heart « in silver » in which they wrote their names and intentions, and they offered it to our good Mother, as Father Champagnat once confided to her brothers, communities and concerns.

The children had the opportunity to speak with Br Provincial, Ricardo Reynoso, to play, sing, and perform a play which underlined the values of family life, and the importance of achieving goals.


During the meeting, we shared with the youngsters who are preparing for the Advent Vocations Mission. The house was filled with joy, songs and games, all in a spirit of union and fraternity as expressed in the words of the song : TOGETHER WE WILL BUILD, TOGETHER WE WILL SUCCEED, TOGETHER, TOGETHER IN THE MISSION.


Here are some of the conclusions expressed by the participants on certain topics :

Family : we have to keep it united despite the work and all that breaks it up.

Indigenous peoples: we are all equal in the eyes of God ; they merit the same rights ; we should learn from their humility.

God and children : He loves children especially because we have no malice and are purer than adults.

God and the world : we see his love in nature, in creation, in His Son.

School : that is where we learn the good and less good of life ; we are prepared to be honest and live with respect, simplicity and love.

Bullying in school : sometimes we mistreat those who need us most, we destroy the other with a look or a word.

Social networks : if we use them advisedly, they can be very useful, otherwise they are dangerous.

Care fornature : we should be aware of, respect and care for what God has entrusted to us.

Ulises Centeno – Youth Ministry


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