2007-05-30 MEXICO

Loma Bonita welcomes the financial managers of the Institute

The Institute?s International Council of Financial Affairs (CIAE) held its annual meeting at Guadalajara, Mexico, in the week from the 30th April to the 5th May 2007. Brothers Darío Bortolini, from the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul, Alberto Oribe, from the Province of Ibérica, Joël Capon-Thiebaut, from the Province of L?Hermitage, Victor Manuel Préciado, from the Province of México Occidental, and Brothers Guy Palandre and Antonio Martínez Fernández from the Department of the Econome General are part of this Council. The objective of these meetings is to help the Brother Econome General in the application of the financial policies of the General Council. The budgets of the General Administration and the financial information relative to the 2006 Financial Year were analysed. In the agenda, the following topics, amongst others, were studied: financing the General Administration, alternatives to the Per Capita, the financial autonomy of the Provinces, profitability of the financial investments of the General Administration, the plan for financial investments and the management of different funds existing in the General Administration and especially the Solidarity Fund.

During this week a meeting with the Brother Provincial Economes from the Marist Provinces of America, except for the Provinces of Brazil, also took place. This promoted the sharing of the financial situation of each Province and the clarification of relationships with the General Administration.

This intensive work programme did not prevent the participants from dedicating some time to admiring the cultural riches of the city of Guadalajara, both artistic and gastronomic, in good measure, with the affection that characterises Brother Victor Préciado, Provincial of the host Province of the meeting.


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