Look at the past with gratitude, the present with passion and the future with hope?
From the 12th to the 14th of December 2015 the Provincial Assembly of 'Brasil Centro-Sul' was celebrated in Curitiba with 87 Brothers and 70 lay men and women. In the inauguration Br. Provincial Joaquin Sperandio indicated the five dimensions of the Assembly: a lived experience, to celebrate, reflect, review and program. He also recalled the words of Pope Francis and invited the participants to look at the past with gratitude, the present with passion and the future with hope.
During the Assembly, while the Brothers deliberated on themes related to consecrated life, the laity men and women, studied the document “To be a Marist lay man or woman: lived experiential formative itineraries” prepared by the Provincial Commission for the Laity. There were also some moments of fraternal, shared life and spirituality between Brothers and Laity.
On the first day, in the evening, all together as brothers and sisters, in the Eucharistic celebration we participated in the renewal of vows of 11 Brothers.
On Sunday we participated in the beautiful celebration of the Jubilee of Brothers: Davide Pedri (60 years of consecrated life) and Sebastião Ferrarini (50 years of consecrated life).
In these common and specific moments, Brothers and Laity gave witness before the Church that around the table, we place our talents and vocations in the service of the Kingdom of God.
During the Assembly, the theme of the Year of Mercy was present with the words of Pope Francis who motivates us: “there are moments in life in which we are called, in a more intense way, to fix our look on mercy in order to convert ourselves into effective signs of the action of the Father”. May Mary, our Good Mother, tenderness and treasure of the mercy of God, turn her look toward us, she who has done and continues to do everything among us.