2012-05-28 SPAIN

Looking for new ways of living community today

In response to the call of the General Council, 20 Portuguese- or Spanish-speaking brothers from 12 Provinces and 2 Districts, began the second course for community animators at  San Lorenzo de L’Escorial on 26 April.

As Brother Emili Turú,  presenting the course, reminded the participants, the objective is:

« In union with the General Council, to look for new ways of living community today in the Institute. »

The animation and accompaniment of the group is provided by the formators of the Marist Centre of  L’Escorial, Brothers Angel Medina, of the District of Paraguay and Joací Pinheiro, of the Province of Brésil Centre Nord. In collaboration with the General Council and the formation team of the Marist Centre at Manziana, they have drawn up this formation programme which continues until 23 June. It includes an international community experience with all the participants from the two centres to take place at the Hermitage, as well as a visit to the FMSI office in Geneva.

The aim of the first few days of our experience was to create a community. Having exercises in common, times for relaxation, visits of the surrounding area were the means helping us become  acquainted with each other. A visit to the city of Avila in the footsteps of Saint Teresa and sharing with the elderly brothers of the community of  Notre-Dame de la Roca in Villalba were two very interesting moments at the beginning of our experience.

The entire first week of the course was animated by Brothers Emili Turú, Superior General,  Josep María Soteras, Councillor General, and César Rojas, Director of the Secretariat Brothers today, working from the bases of spirituality and fraternal dialogue.

We, the Brothers taking part in the course, feel ourselves « called from the various situations of the Marist  world to set out and live an experience of formation and brotherhood, in order to promote a new way of being brother and to cause new styles of community to flourish in the Institute. »


?Return to Galilee?...


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