Major lines of action for the next three years
The Province of Norandina celebrated its second Provincial Chapter from the 28th December 2005 until the 2nd January 2006 in Chinauta in Colombia. Brother Laurentino Albalá started his second mandate as Provincial during this Chapter. Thirty-five brothers, representing the three countries of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, worked together with a group of eight laypeople and some brothers who were not capitulants in the discernment of the ?major lines of action? for the next three years. Each one of the five animation commissions presented the work accomplished in the last three years and the suggestions for the future: Brothers and Communities, Youth Vocation Ministry, Education Ministry, Initial Formation and Finance Ministry. The Lay Formation Team of Colombia also presented what it had accomplished and the tasks that are still pending.
On the 1st January, the Provincial Council was elected: Brothers Libardo GarzĂłn and CĂ©sar Rojas, for Colombia, Crescenciano González and Pau Fornells, for Ecuador, and Antonio EguĂa and JosĂ© Luis Sebastián, for Venezuela.
The Chapter ended with the approval of the Norms of the Province and with the choice of priorities for the next three years.