2018-05-25 ECUADOR

Manabí Marist Project

The province of Norandina carried out a celebration from April 20 – 22 during which itofficially delivered 15 homes built for families affected by the earthquake that hit Ecuador on April 16, 2016.

During the first two days, the delivery of each house was made to the families, who were benefited by this project entitled Proyecto Marista Manabí (Manabí Marist Project). On Sunday, April 22, they participated in a Mass in a parish in the city of Jama.

According to a report by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the earthquake resulted in 668 deaths, eight missing people and 6,274 seriously injured – mostly from several coastal provinces of the northwest.

According to a press release from the province, “from the first moment the spirit of solidarity was awakened, not only by society, but also by those of us who make up the great Ecuadorian Marist family.”

The objective was for the help “to reach where nobody reaches”, such as in El Limón, Estero Seco, Bijahual, El Venado, Garrapata, Bigua, and the Manabi mountain.

Given the magnitude of the damage, a coordination team was formed, composed of brothers and lay people, supported by the Unidad Educativa Marista de Santo Domingo(Marist Educational Unit of Santo Domingo) and several institutions, which created the Proyecto Marista Manabí (Manabí Marist Project).

The houses, the reconstruction of chapels, donations of non-perishable food, water, clothes, toiletry and voluntary work were given thanks to the support of several Marist provinces, the Agrupación Marista Ecuatoriana (Ecuadorian Marist Association) and various groups and institutions.

They opted for a type of prefabricated earthquake-proof, moisture-proof, anti-flammable housing, with three bedrooms, a bathroom with shower and a kitchen and dining space.

The province affirmed that “all the families expressed their gratitude and emotion. Some said that they had never dreamed of having their own house and, moreover, that what they received was not a simple house, but rather a mansion.”

“We are happy that many families, who lost everything, have the possibility of a new beginning, like the Marist world, after the celebration of its bicentenary.”


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