Letters of Marcellin – 073

Marcellin Champagnat


Added to the interior crises which assailed Brother Cassien after his profession in the Institute, there were others from outside. The town of Sorbiers created a thousand problems (for the brothers), Bro. Avit tells us, no doubt with some exaggeration (cf. Annales de Sorbiers, AFM, 213/75, p. 6). The fact is that the 200 francs which the Guizot Law of 28th June 1833 asks the towns to pay to each town teacher, had been suppressed (cf. Letter of the sub-prefect of Saint-Etienne, cited in the following letter).

We have here two rough drafts, which we once again designate as A and B. This is the order in which they are found in the note-book, and probably that in which they were written. The last lines of B are not part of the letter even though they follow it without interruption. Are they an outpouring of Fr. Champagnats troubled but confident heart, as he thinks about Bro. Cassien? We may presume so, but we have no proof.

There is no indication of date or addressee on either text, but from the contents, there can be no doubt they are intended for the mayor of Sorbiers. We know the date from the mayors reply, which repeats almost verbatim one passage: In reply to yours of the 3rd of this month, which I have only just received, you state that I and the Council refused to help the teacher by giving him the sum of two hundred francs provided for by the law. This reply is dated 22nd December 1836, so Father Champagnat must have written his letter on 3rd December 1836.


Mister Mayor,

I was very surprised to learn via a reply from the sub-prefect that your town council refuses to help the brothers we give you to obtain the two hundred francs provided for by the law

is it to indemnify them for the building which they have provided for such a long time

what complaint can the town of Sorbiers have against our brothers

Do they interfere with your administration? is it to force them to withdraw that the town is so slow in repairing a small building it had built. And is it for the same reason….

I will wait two or three days for your reply, Mr. Mayor, if you wish to honor me with one.


I was very surprised to learn via a reply from the sub-prefect that your town council refuses to help your brothers obtain the two hundred francs provided for by the law of 28th June 1833

How does it justify this refusal, do not the brothers have a right to an indemnity for having provided the building for such a long time.

What complaint can the town of Sorbiers bring against its teachers?

I will await your reply, Mister Mayor, if you think you should give me one.

You know, my God, when I…. You know…. You know, my God You know, Mary You know

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès deux brouillons autographes, AFM, 132.2, pp. 183-184


Letters of Marcellin - 071...


Letters of Marcellin - 076...