Letters of Marcellin – 085
Marcellin Champagnat
According to Bro. Avit (AA, p. 205), Mr. Antoine Thiollière, a great benefactor of the Institute (cf. biographical sketch) asked Fr. Champagnat to send him Bro. Stanislas, with whom he wanted to speak. The Founder sent him with the following note, which is nothing more nor less than a sort of affiliation, associating the brothers with Mr. Thiollières good works, and him in turn with all the good works done by the brothers. Obviously the relations between the two men were very affectionate and familiar.
We are sending the bearer to you, as you kindly and charitably invited us to do, with the following declaration:
We associate ourselves, if you are willing, with you and your family, in a special and particular way, in sharing in the good and the good works which are being done and which will be done in the future. Excuse me for taking this liberty and please believe that I am, with respect, your most humble and most obedient….
Your most humble and most obedient servant,
Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.
fonte: Daprès la minute AFM, RCLA 1 p. 25 nº 4; éditée en AA 205