Letters of Marcellin – 188

Marcellin Champagnat


In the copy from which we transcribed this letter, the text overlaps that of the preceding one. So as not to have to recopy the entire letter, since many passages are simply repetitions, the secretary merely added a new paragraph, with a marginal note: id. Morestel. However, the difference of nuance between the two letters is important. Fr. Champagnat gave the parish priest of Amplepuis some hope of having brothers, even after a long delay, but he does not give the same hope to Fr. Mège. Therefore, the phrase we have always been very interested may have been true of Amplepuis, but seems a bit exaggerated in the case of Morestel. The copyist also left out the indication that in the version for Morestel, the second sentence had to be changed, if only to write Morestel in place of Amplepuis. To be faithful to the original text, we have left Amplepuis, but it is certainly Morestel which is referred to.

Fr. Mège did not let this refusal discourage him; two other letters (LL. 254 and 337) indicate that he renewed his request several times, with no greater success, for the brothers did not go to Morestel until 1875.


I received your letter a few days after my return from Paris. We have always been very interested in the establishment in Amplepuis and we would be delighted to be able to fulfill your desires immediately by furthering the truly pastoral zeal you demonstrate for the education of your children, but we find it impossible to send you brothers this year. Our mission in Polynesia is requesting more workers, and we are going to have them leave immediately. Several of our establishments need reinforcements and we also have to open a new novitiate house, so all our available subjects will be taken up. Therefore, we could not increase the number of our establishments without putting ourselves in the unfortunate necessity of having to let them languish.

Please accept my regrets and the assurance of the entire dedication with which I have the honor to be, Father and esteemed parish priest, your most humble and most obedient servant.

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute, AFM, RCLA 1, p. 82, nº 93


Letters of Marcellin - 186...


Letters of Marcellin - 189...