Letters of Marcellin – 299

Marcellin Champagnat


Father Aurran must have answered the letter of 4th November (L. 293) by insisting that he still wanted Marist Brothers. With a slight hint of annoyance, the Founder replies that he will stand by his promises no matter what. However, for whatever reason, it was not possible to do so in 1840. According to the obituary of Bro. Terence (Bulletin, VIII, 20), it was Bro. Palémon who founded the establishment in Lorgues. His personnel file puts him there from September 1846 to September 1849. It is surprising that in his letters of 1846 to priests in the department of the Var who were asking for brothers, Bro. François makes no mention of Lorgues, while on 6th February 1846, for example, he points out to the parish priest of Beausset (Var): Divine Providence having called our Fathers into your diocese, we hope it will soon give us the means to become established there ourselves (AFM, RCLA, 2, p. 29). We also know that relations with Fr. Aurran turned sour (cf. AA, p. 295), since he asked the Brothers of Saint-Gabriel to replace us (cf. Circulaires, II, 481-482).


We bless Divine Providence for the perseverance with which it has gifted you in your pious projects. Since you still want to place your work in the hands of the Brothers of Mary, we will be pleased to work with you for the religious instruction of your beloved Provençals. Despite the great number of requests we have to fill, we will not go back on the promise we made you. We are aiming at getting brothers ready for you for 1840, either for the school or for the novitiate. We hope that you will continue to make the necessary preparations and that, through your care, sustained by the protection of our good and loving Mother, this godly enterprise will succeed for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

I am….


P.S. I presume the city of Lorgues will fulfill all the conditions of our prospectus as regards the foundation fees, travel expenses, etc….

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute, AFM, RCLA 1, pp. 154-155, nº 195, éditée dans CSG, I, p. 295 et dans AAA pp. 295-296


Letters of Marcellin - 298...


Letters of Marcellin - 300...