Letters of Marcellin – 320

Marcellin Champagnat


This letter and the next, both written the same day, develop the same theme, although a bit differently. See the preceding commentary on the school for deaf-mutes in St. Etienne.

Dear Baron,

The official request which the city of St-Etienne has just sent me, to have our brothers direct its establishment for deaf-mutes, has led me to decide to send you a new request also, to ask you to have two of our brothers accepted into the model establishment of this type in Paris. It will soon be a year now since the director of that useful and interesting institution did me the honor of writing me, asking me on behalf of the minister if I still intended to have someone trained. The difficulty of finding subjects and the lack of a positive and official request from the city of St-Etienne left me undecided. Today those difficulties have been removed and I make bold to ask you to please request for me the admission of two of our brothers free of charge. You know better than I the great value of this work of charity. The city of St-Etienne will be infinitely grateful to you for the favor you will have granted us in its name, and I will be very grateful for this expression of interest on your part for an association which earnestly recommends itself to your benevolence and your powerful influence.

I have the honor to be, etc….


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute, AFM, RCLA 1, p. 171, nº 215, éditée dans CSG, 1, p. 314


Letters of Marcellin - 319...


Letters of Marcellin - 322...