Letters of Marcellin – 339

Marcellin Champagnat


We have often expressed disappointment that the letters of Father Champagnats correspondents have been lost. This is all the more true in the present case, since Fr. Hugonys letter, describing conditions in his parish, would have showed us, as it certainly did the Founder, another type of need among young people. In any case, we can glimpse between the lines of this letter a slight inkling of the Founders reaction, at the end of his life, in the face of moral poverty. However, circumstances did not permit the brothers to go to help out in the pious projects of the parish priest of Prés-Saint-Gervais.


The needs of your parish are extremely great; the description you gave us of them struck and afflicted us very deeply, but in spite of all the good will we may have to further your zeal, we find it impossible to do so at the present moment.

The commitments we made a long time ago to a number of towns will more than use up all our available subjects. Even though there may not be such frightful evil in our region, there are a good number of parishes where the zeal of the pastors very much needs to be backed up by the influence of a Christian and religious school, to keep the contagion from becoming almost general. How very much we regret that we cannot meet all the needs, and that we have to leave unanswered a large number of requests we receive!

Besides, Father, for an establishment to succeed, so far from our principal house, and therefore subject to such great expense, it would need funding which your letter does not appear to mention.

May God open to your zeal sufficient resources for the accomplishment of such an important and necessary work, and also give us the means to further your pious project!

I have the honor, etc….


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: D?après la minute, AFM, RCLA 1, p. 188, nº 234


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