2025-01-17 PERU

Marcelino Champagnat University Initiative Empowers Indigenous Educators

Since 2012, Marcelin Champagnat University in Lima (Peru), embracing the desire and words of the founder of the Marist Brothers, ‘to go especially to those most in need,’ has created spaces and opportunities for teachers from the indigenous communities of Datem del Marañón (in the Peruvian jungle), specifically from the San Lorenzo enclave, to have the chance to grow both personally and in their professional teaching ranks in Peru. Improving the quality of education and strengthening that of their community has been a dream that some have achieved, and others will. This is how the ‘One Teacher for Datem’ Project was created, with a commitment to do all the good we can, for all the people we can, by all the means and ways we can, in all the places and occasions we can. As part of this initiative, 711 indigenous teachers from native language communities, including Achuar, Awajun, Kandozi, Chapra, Sahwis, Wampis, Quichua, and Spanish speakers, have earned degrees—either a Bachelor’s or a degree in Initial and Primary Education.

Completion of the ‘One Teacher for Datem’ Project

In January 2025, thirty-six indigenous teachers are on their way to earning their Bachelor’s degree from UMCH, and fourteen are set to receive their Bachelor’s Diploma. These are the final moments of a project that should have already concluded, according to a law signed 13 years ago, in 2012. The pandemic postponed its closure.

At the close of the program, twenty-six volunteers from Marcelin Champagnat University in Lima, Marist schools, and other supportive schools within the Peru sector, as well as volunteers from Bolivia and Chile, Province of Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, have accompanied the process, overcoming the challenges of speaking Spanish while thinking in their native languages. The teachers who will receive their Bachelor’s and Diploma at the end of this educational journey in 2025 include 14 male teachers of Achuar origin; 13 teachers of Sahwis origin; 2 teachers of Quechua origin; 3 teachers of Awajun origin; 8 teachers of Kandozi origin; 3 teachers of Chapra origin; 3 teachers of Wampis origin; and 2 teachers of Spanish-speaking origin.

We cannot close this chronicle without acknowledging the feelings of some members of these indigenous communities, now present, as it is confirmed that the closure of the ‘One Teacher for DATEM’ project is now a reality, concluding in person in the lands that are home to the beloved DATEM and its most cherished ‘Dateños’ teachers.

When asked about their feelings regarding the legal closure of the project, they express sincere gratitude to Brother Pablo, the Provincial, other Brothers, university professors, and volunteer teachers from different countries. They say that without them, they would not have advanced, nor would they have become important in their communities as teachers. Others feel concerned, saddened, and proud of their unique Champagnat University, which has formed good teachers. All deeply value the beloved University, their alma mater, which has helped them grow both personally and within their communities, carrying with them the spirit of the great teacher Marcelin Champagnat, whom they hold close in their hearts. One even shares more personally, feeling as though ‘a good friend is leaving me forever”.

“If God sends us fifty good brothers,’ said Marcelin Champagnat, ‘we could accomplish greater and better works. (In the DATEM, we have had 386 volunteers throughout the project.) What we lack are good brothers, (we have had good volunteers), to give to society and the indigenous peoples, virtuous Christians and honorable citizens” (Champagnat).

We thank all the indigenous peoples of DATEM for being good, humble, hardworking, and culturally open. We have progressed together on the path of education for these communities, sometimes abandoned by many legal authorities.

Thank you: Achuar, Awajun, Kandozi, Chapra, Sahwis, Wampis, Quichua, and Spanish-speaking teachers for trusting in our services from Marcelino Champagnat University, for welcoming us with respect and affection each year we have been with you. May God the Father bless you forever.

“A community, indigenous peoples, is sufficiently rich when its members are good, and this is what I ask of God every day”. (Marcelin Champagnat)



Br. Bernardino Pascual Juárez.

San Lorenzo del río Marañón, January 12, 2025.


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