?Marcellino Punto e a Capo?
Eleven teachers form three Marist schools in Italy (Mediterranean Province) have taken part in a session of formation around the personality and the charism of St Marcellin. They were coming from the schools of Rome (San Leone Magno), Giugliano (Marist Institut) and Genoa (Champagnat Institut). The chosen place for this encounter was the General House at EUR, keeper of many memories of the Founder, that allowed us to be in contact with the internationality of our Institute
Three brothers of San Leone Magno community, Rome, were charged of animating that session, inspired in the Spanish programme known as “Marcelino punto y seguido”. Adopting an active and participative methodology, the teachers were deepening some key elements of St Marcellin’s life, of the first brothers, and of the Marist charism and mission.
This formation lasted barely one and a half day, but it allowed us to create some intense moments where, not only the dynamics of the session were developed, but there was room for times of silence, prayer, reflection, sharing, and to experience the joy of friendship.
At the final evaluation, the participants showed their satisfaction for the welcoming and the good spirit of calmness and brotherhood prevailing during the encounter. At the same time, they manifested their desire to carry on deepening these Marist topics, that help us the develop the sense of belonging and the commitment to our Marist educational mission.