2017-02-24 GENERAL HOUSE

March ? April 2017

Feb. 28  – March 1: Visit to Puerto Rico for the Meeting of the Implementation Team of New Models in Arco Norte: Br Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, director of the Secretariat of Mission.
Feb. 28 – March 7: Visit to Geneva for Human Rights Council and other meetings: Br Evaristus Kasambwe, FMSI.
March 2: Meeting of Provincials of Arco Norte, Puerto Rico: Br Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, director of the Secretariat of Mission.
March 2 – May 26: ‘Senderos’ programme in Manziana, Italy for English speakers and in El Escorial, Spain, for Spanish/Portuguese speakers. The two groups will be in L’Hermitage, France, from May 2 – 12.
March 7 – 12: retreat with laity in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
March 8 – 12: African Mission Commission Meeting in Madagascar: Secretariat of Mission assistant director, Brother Mark Omede, and director Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas.
March 11: Province of Central Europe Bicentennial Celebration in Maynooth, Ireland: Director of Brothers Today Secretariat, Brother Tony Leon.
March 12 – 19: Fratelli Project meeting in Lebanon: Br Chris Wills, member of the Fratelli Project Council.
March 13 – 18: workshop in Santiago de Chile: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
March 14  15: leaders of the administrative units of Asia and Oceania meet in Singapore: Br Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, director of the Secretariat of Mission.
March 15 – 23: Visit to Geneva for Human Rights Council and other meetings: Br Manel Mendoza of FMSI.
March 18: Preparation of the International Gathering of Marist Youth in 2019 with other branches of the Marist Family in Rome: Brothers Mark Omede and Carlos Alberto Rojas of the Secretariat of Mission.
March 19 – 28: workshop in Peru: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
March 20  24: Assembly of Provincial Councils of América Sur in Montevideo, Uruguay: Brothers Mark Omede and Carlos Alberto Rojas, directors of the Secretariat of Mission.
March 23 – 25: Meeting of the Marist Family in Nemi, Rome: the Superior General and Council.
March 20 – 23: Visit to Geneva for Human Rights Council and Other meetings: Marzia Ventimiglia, FMSI director.
March 20 – April 7: Visit to the Canada Province: Assistant director of Brothers Today Secretariat, Brother Hipólito Pérez.
March 25 – 30: Meeting in Haiti to plan a project with FMSI and the México Occidental Province for the better administration of funds gathered after the hurricane: Marzia Ventimiglia, Brothers Mario Meuti and Álvaro Sepúlveda of FMSI.
March 28 – 31: Meeting of finances Provincial and District Bursars: Brother Libardo Garzón, Econome General, the Secretariat of Mission, FMSI director Marzia Ventimiglia, and the General Council during the first days.
March 29 – April 2: workshop in Argentina: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
March 30: Conclusion of plenary session of the General Council.
March 31 – April 2: Youth Encounter (Encuentro Joven 200+) in Salamanca to celebrate the Bicentenary: Brother Ernesto Sánchez, General Councillor, and Brother Tony Leon, director of the Brothers Today Secretariat.

April 2 – 6: Meeting of the Marist District of Asia Council, Bangkok: Brother Joseph McKee, Vicar General.
April 3 – 4: visit to Curitiba, Brasil Centro-Sul Province: General Councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.
April 3 – 9: workshop in Paraguay: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
April 3 – 10: Visit to the East Harlem Community in New York: Brothers Jeff Crowe and Ángel Medina, in charge of the formation of the LaValla200> participants.
April 5 – 13: visit to Marist activities in Brasilia with the provincial government of Brasil Centro-Norte: Br Víctor Preciado.
April 10: Private audience with the Pope, Br Emili Turú.
April 10 – 17: workshop in Ecuador: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
April 12 – 17:  Pastoral Youth Ministry Easter celebration in Les Avellanes, Spain: Br Tony Leon.
April 13 – 16: Pascua Joven (Youth Easter) in Ibagué, Colombia, for the 40th anniversary of the Remar movement: General councillor Brother Josep Maria Soteras.
April 16 – 22: Programme for the preparation to perpetual profession in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Br Emili Turú, superior general
April 18 – 21: Asian Mission Commission in Sri Lanka (it could change to May 1 – 6): Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, director of the Secretariat of Mission.
April 18 – 22: Preparatory Commission General Chapter in Rionegro, Colombia: Vicar General Brother Joseph Mc Kee, Br Josep Maria Soteras and Secretary General Brother Carlos Huidobro.
April 18 – 25: workshop in Colombia: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
Abril 24 – 27: Programme for the preparation to perpetual profession in Cochabamba, Bolivia: Assistant director of Brothers Today Secretariat, Brother Hipólito Pérez.
April 25 – 27: European Marist Conference meets in Alcala de Henares, Spain: General Councillors Antonio Ramalho and Ernesto Sánchez.
April 26 – 28: Bedford Fund Board meeting in New York.
April 26 – 28: First meeting of representatives of Marist NGOs at the General House: Brothers Álvaro Sepúlveda, Evaristus Kasambwe, Mario Meuti and Manel Mendoza of FMSI and its director, Marzia Ventimiglia.
April 26 – May 5: workshop in Brasilia: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity
April 27  30: Meeting of the Council of the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC) in Beriut, Lebanon: Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas, Director of the Secretariat of Mission.
April 28: Morning Mass and lunch at the general house of the Marist Fathers for the feast of Saint Peter Chanel: Superior general Brother Emili Turú and some members of the General Administration.
April 30 – July 3: 2nd formation programme for participants of Lavalla200> (International Communities for a New Beginning) in San Martino a Monte, Italy: Brothers Jeff Crowe and Ángel Medina.


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