2015-08-21 CUBA

Marist Brothers help in the formation of the Young

The new Pastoral Plan of the Catholic Church in Cuba, which will receive the visit of the Pope in September, proposes a path of conversion that begins with the explicit announcement of Jesus, and has to be accompanied by a time of initiation in Christian Faith, permanent formation, the community and witness of life.  

The Youth Pastoral Ministry of the Diocese of Cienfuegos, where the Marist Brothers work as protagonists, wishing to support this itinerary, has proposed an intense time of formation of experiences.

Therefore, from July 12th to 19th the VI Summer School was held for youthful persons and youth of the Diocese in San José de Paraíso.

The encounters respond to a felt need for integral formation in a youthful environment keeping Jesus Christ as the center of our lives to try to be better disciples and missionaries in the Church and in the society where we have to live today.

The experiences and the themes have been designed according to the process of formation for persevering young people in which there is the intention to heal, somewhat, the so called “anthropological harm” in Cuban youth.

The motto that accompanied the School was: “I came so that they will have life and life in abundance” John 10, 10. 


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